
The Inaugural meeting of the Stradbroke Island Housing Society was held on the 2<\/span> August 1973 at the Dunwich Public Hall. Aunty Florence Coolwell was the first President and Aunty Ailsa Perry was elected as the Treasurer.<\/span><\/p>\n

Formation meeting of the North Stradbroke Island Aboriginal and Islanders Housing Co-operative Society Ltd (\u2018NSI Housing Co-op’) was held on the 5 November 1979 at the Dunwich Public Hall. Aunty Kath Walker was elected as President and Aunty Ailsa Perry as the Treasurer.<\/span><\/p>\n

On 8<\/span> September 1980, the NSI Housing Co-op\u00a0was incorporated under the Queensland Co-operative and other Societies Act 1967-1978. It was later registered under the Co-operatives Act 1997 (Qld) on 4 December 1997.<\/span><\/p>\n

Meetings were held in the Dunwich Scouts Hall or private homes until the purchase of our office at 18 Welsby Street, Dunwich on the 14 December 1984.<\/span><\/p>\n

Today, the NSI Housing Co-op\u00a0own many properties including:<\/span><\/p>\n